Living life can sometimes have a contradicting meaning. A wise man once said that life contains a set of stories and experiences – it is up to each individual to determine how their “life book” will be compiled and laid out.
I was fortunate enough to experience a Godly moment and get a glimpse of His Greatness. The ocean has always been one of nature’s most fascinating elements. Whilst down in Mozambique (Ponta Milibangalala in the Maputo Elephant Reserve), I had scrapped up enough GUTS to start the nerve-wrecking hobby of spearfishing. On the second day of endeavoring this new passion, I was blessed to swim with dolphins, a whale-shark, hammerheads, black tips and a giant of a tiger shark! This was a frightening experience but also one of the most breathtaking moments in my entire life. This is one of many adventures to come! Image attached ( First Yellow Spotted Kings )